Monday, January 16, 2012

The 2012 Gramblorg Challenge

So as 2011 came to a close, my wife and I began a budgeting process.  Part of this process identified areas where we felt we had spent too much money in 2011.

My wife found her area, and me, I found mine.  LEGO.This did not create an argument, but a good discussion about how much LEGO does one person really need?

I can't help but salivate at the site of new LEGO sets, especially new minifig elements - I'm a sucker for LEGO people!  But when it comes to the actual structures, I began to wonder how much I really needed more bricks and blocks.  Surely I could build most of these new sets out of my current collection, even if I had to swap out a couple of pieces here or there, or if I didn't have the exact colours or unique elements - I could easily build an adequate likeness.  Several sites, such as, had furthered this idea in my mind as well.  Granted, there are arguments I could make, such as needing more of a specific piece for a specific build, but I'd have to wager that at least 80 percent, if not 90 percent of my collection remains unused currently.  I have bins of disassembled sets and loose bricks lying in wait - and I continue to accumulate more pieces, never giving those old pieces a chance to be used.

So the challenge was issued - to use every piece of LEGO that I own in 2012, and not to buy another piece until I have done so.  I am not sure what kind of structures I will come up with as a result, but I am hoping to build lots of neat and unique looking creations.  I intend to record my progress here, on this site.

Will there be sets and pieces I will miss out on? Yes, most definitely - particularly the minifig series 6 that is launching - so many cool minifigs... But, I think this will be an exciting challenge for me!

So I hope you stay tuned and enjoy the show of what kind of LEGO creations 2012 will bring!


  1. Now, of course this ban doesn't include birthdays and Christmas presents...?

  2. It only forbids me from buying LEGO for myself - ideally, if I make this challenge work, I would have used up all of my LEGO before either of those two events (seeing as they are in November/December, that's the most likely time I would complete this challenge, if at all possible)
